Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to kill a paper? Add an ' E ' to it.

The internet has been a boon for everyone but a bane for the print industry. It has been 10 years since the general public has started using the net. Now, most of us ( City folks) get our news by referring online websites, through emails, watching news online or as alerts through sms by registering to some website.

The trend of switching from the printed media to digital media has already started. In the western countries, the print media has already started incurring losses. This trend is still yet to catch up in a full fledged manner in India but its not too far. The future is predictable and the condition in the western countries is an insight to to what can be expected. The print is eventually going to die and everything is going to get digitalized.

The famous Financial Times in Europe has started charging their users for reading their online content and the New York Times is soon to follow in their footsteps. The Hindu newspaper charges its readers to read its epaper but the articles are still free in the website. The Times of India and the Indian Express epapers are still free.

The times are changing and its not going to be long before when all the E-news will be having a charge on it. The famous bloggers might charge for their articles also.

Just be Ready!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

We are living in an exponential time and the environment around us is changing rapidly. From walkman to Ipod, from landline to mobile, from desktop to laptop etc. The world has changed a lot in the past 10 years and I'm sure a convict who would have finished serving a 10 year term right now would find the present something similar to a Sci-fi movie.

This year internet has turned 20 years old and it has matured a lot compared to its early days. The internet has revolutionized the lifestyle and the way people interact, socialize, learn and do business. We can download movies in 30 minutes, make a video call to a person sitting at some corner of the world, edit a document simultaneously with the people you have shared with and still, we are yet to discover the true potential which I think would be limitless.

There might come an age when you can walk on the Alps, swim in the pacific while being physically present at home. The internet might become so advanced that you can be fully integrated with it. Yes, I'm talking something similar to the Matrix but still existing in the real world. Who knows! we might be sent to a digital heaven after our death where we can be with our parents and grand parents.

There might come a time in a very very long distant future where we would be chatting with an alien friend of ours in a far distant planet over the inter galaxy internet and might be attending school with them in an another planet by transporting ourselves through the internet to the school.

The possibilities are limitless and all this might become possible one day.